倾盆大雨,倾盆大雨的英文怎么说? 例如:heavy rain , pouring rain ,downpour . 大雨一般可以用:Heavy Rain 来表示;而倾盆大雨这类型的,速度很快,很急躁的雨要用Torrential /t?'r?n?l/ Rain或者 Downpour /'da?np?r/来表示。 短语搭配1、暴雨/倾盆大雨torrential downpours/rains ; torrential downpours ; rains? 2、在倾盆大雨之中In pouring rain? 3、一场倾盆大雨como un aguacero ; a shower of rain? 4、天空瞬间倾盆大雨There was a sudden downpour? 例句Beijing was hit by torrential rains yesterday morning. 北京昨天早晨下起了倾盆大雨。The transportation of Tianjing has been plagued by the downpour. 天津的交通已经被暴雨搞瘫痪了。扩展资料近义词burst the banks 决堤 伴随着暴雨而来的很有可能就是洪水决堤。Bank除了“银行”的意思之外,还有“堤岸”的意思。 1、The river burst its banks. 河水冲毁了堤岸。2、Flash flooding in the past two weeks caused the Shabele River to burst its banks in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia, near the border with Somalia. 过去两个星期的暴洪灾害导致埃塞俄比亚同索马里边境附近的欧加登(Ogaden)地区的谢贝利河(Shabele River)决堤。 3、The real estate bubble burst. The banks started losing a fortune and started looking to AIG to pay up. 房地产泡沫破裂。银行开始赔钱,并开始找AIG 补偿。 倾盆大雨的英文翻译是 rain cats and dogs,"Rain Dogs and Pole cats",("下狗和鸡貂"),来自理查德?伯罗米的《1652年城市妙语》。 rain cats and dogs v.下倾盆大雨相关短语:1、suddenly rain cats and dogs?突降暴雨 2、to rain cats and dogs?下倾盆大雨 ; 倾盆大雨 ; 下瓢泼大雨 ; 瓢泼大雨 3、It's rain cats and dogs?倾盆大雨 扩展资料相关例句:1、We?were?about?to?get?home,?when?it?began?to?rain?cats?and?dogs.? 我们快要到家了,这时候下起了倾盆大雨。 2、Hurry?up!?It?will?rain?cats?and?dogs!? 快!要下大雨了!3、Wednesday?afternoon,?the?sky?it?began?to?rain?cats?and?dogs,? covered?withdark?clouds.? 星期三下午,天空中下起了倾盆大雨,乌云密布。 4、When?we?were?well?on?the?way,?it?began?to?rain?cats?and?dogs.? 我们正走到半路上,天下起大雨来了。 5、In?a?sunny?winter?morning,?it?might?suddenly?rain?cats?and?dogs.? 在冬季的阳光明媚的早上,也可能会有飘泼大雨。 可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含意为『下倾盆大雨』,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗又是怎样扯上关系的呢?原来,据说这个短语最早出现于