
2021-01-29 17:04:25  浏览:573  作者:管理员
  • 2020中国电子商务大会发起《直播电商行业自律倡议书》-其他

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2020中国电子商务大会发起《直播电商行业自律倡议书》-其他 据9月5日消息,2020年中国电子商务大会上,来自阿里巴巴、京东、拼多多、快手、胡同王、美团、网易、宏绪、苏宁、唯品会、思宇旅游网的企业代表。







第二,坚持合法的合规经营规范。主播、平台经营者及商家要认真遵守《直播电商行业自律倡议书》 《电子商务法》 《产品质量法》等国家相关法律规定,履行义务,承担相应责任,自觉接受监督,积极配合相关监督执行活动。各方面主体要诚实守信,杜绝信炸、数据造假,自觉树立良好的经营价值观,维护公平竞争的市长/市场秩序。平台经营者应采取技术措施,保障直播内容的合法安全,做好知识产权保护。



self-discipline initiative for live streaming e-commerce industry

In recent years,the live streaming e-commerce has enjoyed rapid development and played an important role in boosting consumption,Promoting

I . adhere to people-oriented operation idea . platform operators providing technical services,发行说明,Matching transactions or online build

ming anchors.Vendors should take full responsibility for guaranteeing product quality,strengthening service standards,and improving product quality and service.Anchors should fully,truthfully and accurately disclose information of products or services,fulfill service agreements,and ensure that live streaming content meets the requirements of building a socialist spiritual civilization and promoting excellent Chinese traditional culture.All parties should strengthen communications,promptly handle consumer complaints,and create a comfortable consumption environment.

II.Adhere to legitimate business principle.Live streaming anchors,platform operators and vendors should sincerely abide by relevant laws and regulations,such as E-Commerce Law,Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality,and Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Consumers,ect,fulfill their obligations,assume responsibility,accept supervision,and actively cooperate with supervision and law enforcement activities.All parties should be honest and trustworthy to avoid purchase order and data fraud,establish good business values and maintain a fair and competitive market order.Platform operators should take technical measures to ensure the legality and security of live streaming content,and protect intellectual property rights.

III.Adhere to innovation-driven strategy.All parties should strengthen the application and innovation of digital technologies such as 5G,artificial intelligence,and big data,optimize product supply,improve precise matching,and create consumer demand.Efforts should be made to strengthen the live streaming e-commerce industry chain,integrate all resources such as design,research,manufacturing,warehousing,logistics and brand marketing,promote the integration of online and offline,improve the quality and efficiency of traditional industries,and boost the coordinated development of both upstream and downstream industry chains.

Legitimacy,integrity,and innovation are cornerstones for the development of the industry.Let us join hands to promote the sustainable and sound development of live streaming e-commerce,and endeavour to lead the new consumption and unleash new growth.


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